Thie following downloadable document (.pdf format) includes a list of Municipal Clients. This list also includes contact information for many clients.
Municipal Clients (pdf)
The following downloadable document (.pdf format) includes a list of municipalites within which I have offered sworn expert testimony.
Expert Testimonies (pdf)
"I still remember with wonder and fondness, Harry Roth's shepherding of our regional comprehensive plan to a successful conclusion. The sheep were a township, four boroughs and a school district, all of which were wary of each other. The odds were against him but he prevailed through hard work and force of personality backed up by an unsurpassed breadth and depth of knowledge. I wholeheartedly recommend Harry Roth to anyone wishing to put into place state-of-the-art plans and regulations." Patrick Fero, Supervisor
Chair, Planning Commission
Shrewsbury Township, York County
(Co-founder and former Chair, Southern York County Regional Planning Commission)