Comprehensive Plans - A planning process that is frank, informative, inviting, optimistic and enthusiastic yet deliberate.
- Prioritizes local planning goals with extensive public input and discussion among local officials with the use of a 35-question community development objectives survey;
- Conducts a thorough inventory of all of the community's resources (population, natural and cultural features, public utilities & facilities, existing land uses and design attributes, transportation system, and administrative capacity;
- Provides a detailed and thorough analysis of the resources and their respective ability to attain the goals for the community.
- Meaningful Mapping - Multi-color GIS maps with property lines that composite inter-related features (e.g. soils & geology);
- A Future Land Use map and text that will directly translate into zoning boundaries and districts with specific use and design guidelines;
- An Implementation Schedule assigns specific tasks to those responsible along with a timeline and reference where additional information can be found within the Plan.
- An easy to use format enables speedy reference to all relevant information about a particular subject at one location, where action recommendations will be highlighted to jump off of the page. The Plan will be concise yet explanatory with pictures, diagrams, graphs, aerial photographs and colorful maps. A detailed Table of Contents and Map Listing will help navigate the Plan.
Zoning Ordinances - Update regulations to reflect latest changes to State law, and recent legal precedents;
- Overcome known interpretation problems expressed by local officials;
- Add and strengthen definitions and specific criteria for particular land uses (e.g., group homes, cell towers, hog and chicken houses, adult bookstores);
- Improve land use designs with more comprehensive and objective general provisions, governing access, parking, loading, storage, dumpsters, signs, landscaping, litter, traffic studies, performance standards, etc.;
- Streamline development review processes and the public review/adoption of the ordinances themselves; and,
- Ease enforcement and administration by providing clear and objective requirements; simplifying standards; presenting regulations in a user-friendly format with tables, photos and diagrams; providing a detailed table of contents; employing extensive cross referencing, and, generating a colored GIS zoning map with property lines.
"The three municipalities and their consultants deserve high praise for initiating a Regional parks planning effort, which follows up on an earlier Regional comprehensive plan, that has produced a document which is both comprehensive and visionary in addressing the recreation needs of the Borough's residents."
- Lancaster County Planning Commission in its review of
the Manheim Central Region Recreation Plan