A modern planning effort must be concerned with two principle components if it is to be optimally effective:
A Meaningful & Open Planning Process must be:
- Frank - It should enable a real discussion of the issues of the day in language that can be understood by all participants. I employ a practical and candid approach; I speak plainly and take time to explain complex issues;
- Informative and Inviting - It should encourage participation by the public and convey the important issues/decisions that confront the area. A project must be conducted in full public view. Open house-town hall meetings, comment boxes, periodic news articles, summary brochures and even this website can all be used as outreach to inform the public.
- Optimistic and Enthusiastic - It should allow for officials and residents to envision a desirable future with lofty but practical goals. Initially we will identify the important goals and characteristics of the area. Local officials will be given a detailed questionnaire to sort-out planning priorities. Citizens will be given opportunity to offer input through a variety of techniques and at comfortable open house-town hall meetings.
- Deliberate - There is much ground to cover and interest in the project will wane unless we keep moving. Once we have identified the areas goals we will complete one Chapter each month for review and approval. This will engage your attention and keep the project on track towards timely completion. It also allows you to easily monitor our progress.
A Thorough and Specific Planning Product must include:
- Detailed Inventory- We will conduct a comprehensive and thorough inventory and description of the area's resources (land, people, infrastructure, services, environment and etc.) For example our existing land use not only designates a general land use category, it also lists the specific use (e.g. Joe's pizza) and catalogs the site's design characteristics (e.g. lot size, vehicular access and parking, sign orientation, setbacks, landscaping, loading and dumpster, & overall condition);
- Meaningful Mapping - We will produce multi-color GIS maps with property lines that composite inter-related features (e.g. soils & geology);
- Thorough Analysis - We will describe the importance of resources and suggest means for their protection/use in meeting the Plan's goals. The plan will outline a logical rationale that builds on each new Chapter and culminates with a Future Land Use Plan & Implementation Schedule that targets the area's desired future.
- Easy to Use Format - We employ a simple Plan format to the Plan that will enable the user to find all relevant information about a particular subject at one location, where action recommendations will be highlighted to jump off of the page. The Plan will be concise yet explanatory with pictures, diagrams, graphs, aerial photographs and colorful maps to better inform the reader. A detailed Table of Contents and Map Listing will help navigate the Plan. An Implementation Schedule assigns specific tasks to those responsible along with a timeline and reference where additional information can be found within the Plan.
"Thank you for all of your hard work. It was a pleasure working with you. The experience was a lot less frustrating and fragmented than I thought. I am hopeful that the joint zoning will work out."
- Kevin Tobias Topton Borough Manger Berks County |